Children Eye Health | GALAXY OPTOMETRIST
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Children's eyes

Most of the learning process of young children comes from the eyes. Good vision is an important aid in a child's development. When children enter the school good vision helps them learn and explore better - 80% of school education is based on eye sight. Therefore, clear vision is very important for the development of a child's overall potential. Taking care of your child's eyesight is very important to us.

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child eye care

All children should have their eyes examined. and vision Along with taking care of the child's development The sooner children receive eye health checks. The more problems can be solved faster. because of the dangers related to the health of children's eyes It's like a silent threat that many people overlook.  

Pre-school eye exams allow us to recognize children's vision problems faster. because the child cannot see clearly may affect learning and behavior of children especially young children who are unable to communicate Children may not be able to tell if they can see clearly or not. because children still cannot differentiate between words that can see clearly and can not see clearly And of course, the sooner the problem is found, the better. It will be even better for the child. Especially some diseases that can be corrected if found at an early age, such as lazy eye and strabismus, which are diseases that can be treated with good results from childhood because if treated when the child is older The results of the treatment may not be as good. Start treatment from childhood

Children eyecare.jpg
Time to use digital devices suitable for children.
Abstract Watercolor Drawing

How to spot if a child has eye problems?

During the first year, the baby's buds have grown considerably. A 3-4 month old can usually see within 1 foot, so you shouldn't be surprised if your child doesn't recognize you when you're not. 

Watery eyes are a common symptom of newborn babies. because the tear ducts are not yet fully grown After the first few months, these symptoms will disappear. If symptoms persist, you may need to see a doctor.

Symptoms that need to be careful and need to see a doctor include chronic eye inflammation, both eyes do not look the same way (squint). This can be observed when the child is looking straight and one eye is not looking straight.


Lenses for slowing myopia in children
Common eye conditions

Strabismus is the eye condition which each child's eyes do not turn in the same direction. It can be cause by blurry vision or double vision which will leads to lazy eye disease. This symptom can be found in 1 in 20 people.

Treatment  Strabismus can be corrected with  eye glasses along with visual training. If it still doesn't work, it may need to be corrected by surgery on the eye muscles.


people with myopia Will be able to see clearly only at close range, looking far will be blurry.

1 in 3 children are nearsighted. and is usually found around the age of 12

Treatment can be treated with glasses. or contact lenses

lazy eye

What is lazy eye? If your child is diagnosed with lazy eye That means one of your child's eyes doesn't see as well as the other. Caused by children using one eye that is better than one And make the other side that is not used not to develop other

It was found that 1 in 50 children had amblyopia. Lazy eye can be detected at the age of 4 years old. with an optometrist (optometrist or an ophthalmologist) or to check the child's development

Most treatments can be corrected with eyeglasses. In some children whose glasses are not getting better, they may need to cover their eyes well. to force the use of the worse side The treatment effect depends on the age of the child starting treatment. If treatment is started at a young age, it is often more effective than treatment when it is older.


Astigmatism can be corrected. Astigmatism made the child blurry vision. or see double The cause may be the cornea. or the lens of the eye has unequal curvature (bow like a rugby ball)

if not fixed May cause headaches, eyestrain and eye fatigue.

Treatment can be treated with glasses. or astigmatism contact lenses


It still ok If they have small amount of farsightedness. But if they have moderate to high farsightedness they will be fine for far but they might have problem at near task and they might have eyestrain of blurry vision during near task such as reading a book or using digital.

Most of young children have small farsightedness. There is no need to wear glasses if they do not have blurred vision or fatigue. But if they have high farsightedness, they shoud be treated with glasses. or contact lenses as soon as possible.

Symptoms to watch out for


To see if the child is normal or not  not easy Therefore, eye exams in childhood are important.

Symptoms that you can observe your child for yourself

  • Focus your eyes or tilt your head to see better.

  • rub your eyes often

  • Always use your index finger when looking at storybooks.

  • Sensitivity to light and abnormally heavy tears

  • I can't study in time my friend

  • strabismus or misaligned eyes

  • watching television too close or look at the book too close

  • Refuses to use your eyes for a certain distance, such as (near-range) reading, doing homework, or (distant) playing sports or playing in the rain on a playground.

  • Close one eye to read a book. or watch television

  • Sore eyes or burning eyes when playing computer or using a tablet

  • There is a white reflection on the black eye when taking pictures. (If you experience this symptom, you should go to an ophthalmologist immediately.)

Children eye exam

Examination of children's eyes is not the same as examining adults. We use test charts that are specifically used for examining children. Char is a characteristic that makes the child look shape. or pictures Or it may be to match the letters. so that we can detect children who cannot read The examination will not be the same as the examination of adults.  

eye doctor examining children will be trained to examine children's eyes  Because the examination room may make the child feel stressed. Therefore, examining young children may require techniques to make the child feel the most welcome.

You can sit with your child throughout the examination. You can check all and your child's response The devices used for children may not be the same as those used for adults. But the accuracy of the tool is no less than that of an adult's device.

children's glasses not a small adult glasses


Children's glasses are not like adult glasses. We select glasses that are suitable for the child's body. Our children's glasses are specially designed for children so that your child can get glasses that are comfortable, fit and look good. 

Our glasses are designed with the rough, child-friendly factors in mind. whether it is flexible and durable  and can be worn without clamping the mother's temple, the child begins to grow during the year

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